I am in the middle of a break from sewing. Tomorrow, however, I must buy some ribbon so that I can finish the gloves for Claire's Christmas dress. WE will take pictures soon. I am also getting some lights for the house because Claire really wants some. haha. She is so into Christmas this year. It really makes it hard to be a grinch when she is around. Christmas is so magical to her. =)
So anyway I started reading the Harry Potter series and I'm almost finished with the first book. It is great. I am really enjoying it. There was one little thing that bothered me a bit. It was how the Dursley's are portrayed as boring bigots. I do know that there are people out there that are like this but I must say that being someone who has strong religious convictions, I would hate for people to look at me that way. If they don't like witchcraft that is fine. No need to make them out to be a slimy bigotted character. But really it has nothing to do with Christianity or anything but it just seemed like a lot to me. A lot of making the reader dislike these people who were against witchcraft. It just almost seemed like the author was trying to push her convictions or rather SHOVE them down children who will be reading these throats. Its a little silly probably because other than that part I've really enjoyed it. I am excited to see what happens and I'm also excited to see the movie!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I am reading this book called The Hurried Child by David Elkind and so far it is AWESOME! All of my fears of not living up to the standard of todays culture as far as raising children are being resolved! I love his ideas and it is making me realize that I have made some good choices in regards to Claire. (Praise the Lord! haha) I mean so far it is just talking about how because of our busy American culture we tend to hurry our childre to grow up too fast. Putting them in adult situations even when we don't realize it. We sometimes expect them to know stuff too soon in life, which thwarts their growth! I am so glad to have found this book because I'm finding that maybe I push Claire too hard to grow up too fast. Like why does she need to know her ABC's at 3? She doesnt! She's 3 and when she is ready she'll learn them! It really takes the pressure off. I can't believe how much I push her because I dont want people to look down on me for being "just" a stay at home mom. I've decided that I need to take a look at how I parent and learn to let go a little and let her be a kid because I DON'T want her to grow up too fast. I dont think any parent wants that. There will be more on this subject because often, I think, adults (especially moms) are peer pressured into making their kids perform at the level that other parents SAY their kids perform. If your kid isn't interested in learning their colors or ABC's at 3 then there must be something wrong with your parenting. You must be lazy. Your child must be deficient somehow. I worry too much what people think cause here's the deal: Stay at home moms are BUSY! This is by far the hardest job and most exhausting, thankless job I've ever had. (but worth it and I feel so blessed!) I do not sit on my rear eating candy watching Jerry Springer all day. That's just not how it is but for some reason (and I don't think I am alone here) it seems that people have that perception of us. I guess its from the "oh, I dont think I could just sit around all day"s we get. there is a lot of pressure for our kids to be at the same level as schooled preschoolers. I know one thing for sure, Claire's learning style is different than mine. Her perception of the world is different than mine and from now on I'm going to let her explore at her own pace. =)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
So I'm a little overwhelmed. I have a ton of things to do. This includes making crafts for our craft sale to help earn donations to go to China. We are taking some kids with us to China to go teach conversational English at a school. The chinese kids really love it! It was so fun last time. The kids are so sweet. We also will get to see tourist sites in China and bond with the teachers and do things with the kids. We get to do some work that is really fulfilling. So anyway, it is going to be an amazing experience. So anyway we are trying to earn money and so we are having a craft sale. I am making different things as ideas for crafts to make at a party we are having on Friday. I am just completely exhausted from sewing the dress and all these crafts and cutting and picking fabrics. Its fun but I am so exhausted. goodness. Who knew it would be so mentally draining to sew. It's been a very busy week. . Next I am going to make an elf stocking for Christmas decoration. I think it is going to be really cute. Then we are also going to mod podge. I think it will be a really fun party. Some of the girls have never sewn before so I think they will have fun.
The DRESS. Oh my goodness the dress is almost finished and it is so gorgeous. I am very proud of it. I told myself that I wasn't going to show a picture until we had pictures taken but it's so hard not to share it. It is so fancy. The Christmas pictures are going to be amazing. I can't wait to see. I'm scared that it is going to get dirty though since it is such a light color...and satin. I have never been more proud of a sewing project! All I have to do to it is make the gloves and put in the zipper. It is DRAMATIC. wow. Claire loves it too. SHe went up and kissed it yesterday. hahaha.
The DRESS. Oh my goodness the dress is almost finished and it is so gorgeous. I am very proud of it. I told myself that I wasn't going to show a picture until we had pictures taken but it's so hard not to share it. It is so fancy. The Christmas pictures are going to be amazing. I can't wait to see. I'm scared that it is going to get dirty though since it is such a light color...and satin. I have never been more proud of a sewing project! All I have to do to it is make the gloves and put in the zipper. It is DRAMATIC. wow. Claire loves it too. SHe went up and kissed it yesterday. hahaha.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Adoption is selfish
Yep I read that today from a few people on a post about Chinese adoptions dwindling. It really hurts. Why would someone be so against international adoption? They said it was selfish to take a child out of their culture. OK, so let's leave a child in ,let's say Ethiopia, in an orphanage. Let's leave one of the 6 million in Ethiopia in their culture...without hope, without a chance for a family, without love of a mother. Let's face it, because of poverty and illness in that place there is no way all the children will be adopted. Is it ideal that they get adopted from someone in their country? YES! But is is realistic? unfortunately not. So let's leave them there to die because nobody ever touches them. Let's leave them to age out and continue the cycle of poverty. Let's leave them to get sold into slave labor or into child prostitution. Let's leave them so they never wake up on Christmas morning wondering what "Santa" brought them, so they never graduate elementary school much less high school or college. That's better than being "selfish" and bringing them to America. Yeah, that makes sense. Do people not realize that international adoptive parents have thought about this. About culture. Maybe that is even why they choose to adopt from a particular place. Maybe we've done some research and we plan visits back so that can connect with their culture. We are parents. I am not a perfect person but I know that being a mother is the most selfless job you can ever have. So how is adopting a child overseas selfish? I just can't wrap my head around that statement. These things really hurt. It will probably be something we face for our child's whole life. All we can do is pray. I will not let people bully me into not following Gods plan for us. I will not let people bully my child for being different than us in appearance. It is just hate. Hate and a superiority complex. Who is anyone to decide what is best for someone Else's family. Why can't all adoptive parents band together. It is hard enough being an adoptive parent without having to compete to see who is the most selfless adoptive parent. It is like this weird contest, whoever adopts the most needy child wins and they get to dole out as much unsolicited advice as they can get to come out of their mouths. Why can't we just all be happy when a person adopts through any avenue? I mean a child in need is a child in need. this orphan problem is bigger than us so shouldn't we all rejoice when one child is rescued from that no matter where they are from? I didn't expect it to hurt this much to hear so much negative feedback. I know we are doing what we are meant to do I just didn't expect to already be hearing this much negativity about it, especially from adoptive parents!!! I just wish people would start loving each other instead of making everything a fight. I dont like to get my feelings hurt. haha.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
There is no turning back
I sewed the overskirt and underskirt to the bodice. Claire loves it! She gasped when she saw it. That sure makes it worth all the effort. I will put the zipper in tomorrow probably. I am also making gauntlets to match the dress. I am not going to post a picture of it until it is finished and I get some professional pictures taken with Claire in it. Luckily, Mike rocks at taking pictures.
I guess I will post a picture of a skirt I made a few weeks ago. I am pretty proud of it. I like it a lot. It is called the Nie Nie skirt and it is by pink fig patterns. Claire LOVES it. Of course she is my girly girl. (who also likes to climb trees and play in the mud!) It was intense with all the layers but easy. I think the whole process of picking fabric made this project the most fun. Picking coordinating fabrics that were funky. That was a blast! I enjoy seeing her in it. I really love to sew. I'm glad I have something that I love to do sew much. (haha)
I guess I will post a picture of a skirt I made a few weeks ago. I am pretty proud of it. I like it a lot. It is called the Nie Nie skirt and it is by pink fig patterns. Claire LOVES it. Of course she is my girly girl. (who also likes to climb trees and play in the mud!) It was intense with all the layers but easy. I think the whole process of picking fabric made this project the most fun. Picking coordinating fabrics that were funky. That was a blast! I enjoy seeing her in it. I really love to sew. I'm glad I have something that I love to do sew much. (haha)

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Gather, gather and more gather.
Today I gathered the skirt of the fancy dress that I am working on. MAN that thing is gathered. It is incredible. I just basted it today to get a feel for how it is going to look. I am calling it quits for the day. I will probably work more on it either tomorrow or monday. I need to let my brain rest. It is amazing how mentally exhausting sewing is. So far it hasn't been near as difficult as I was expecting but it is probably the most challenging thing I've made. I think that the cording and the gathering has been the most challenging thus far in this project. I actually think that the cording makes the bodice look so professional. I love it! At first I was a little stressed because you can't press satin very well but now that I've actually seen it on Claire it is just right. =)
I can't wait to see it all finished. I tried it on Claire just now and it is a little scary how HUGE it is. It is very fancy. Like cinderella fancy. INSANE! I'm not sure if I love it just yet. I can't wait to see it with the sash and the gloves. When I pulled it onto Claire she gasped. She LOVES it. That makes this whole process worth it. You can just tell that she feels like a princess. So here's to a VERY HUGE and VERY FANCY Christmas dress. (that is cream...yeah...NO COOKIES for her on Christmas..haha... jk.)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Totally immersed

So I am just checking in because I am making this dress for Claire. I am making basically the same one as the live dress in the photo. I bought cream fabric and lace. I have been looking very forward to making this. I am about 1/2 way finished and it has been difficult already. Probably the most difficult thing I've made thus far. I made my own cording, which was a first for me. then I made the bodice. I have done ONE of the overskirt parts and the underskirt and I gathered them and pinned them to the bodice just to see and oh my goodness they are going to be gathered to the MAX. I am going to have to take a picture of the gathered part before I sew it. It is incredible. I have never gathered something this much to fit such a small bodice! wow. I guess that is why this dress is so poofy! haha. Right now I can't seem to envision it because it is all cream. I am anxious to see it all finished because right now it kind of looks boring. I'm second guessing the color. BUT I think that once it is finished it will look elegant and like a dress any little girl would fantisize to have! Claire LOVES dresses and dressing up so she will probably love how poofy it is going to be. Wish me luck...I'm going to need it. haha. I am usually one to just work and work until I am finished but since I want it to look professional I am FORCING myself to take a break and go to sleep. I have to learn to take it one step at a time. I just get so excited to see the finished product. eek! I can't wait! Well more pictures to come!
Purple wool and leopard print
So I threw out my scale. I was addicted to weighing. I'm not sure if that has helped my diet or hurt it. There is a neurotic part of me that loves weighing and competing with myself and that keeps me on track. HOwever, it keeps me on track while I get upset over every pound of water weight. Now that I dont have a scale I only rely on the scale at the gym and the scale at weight watchers. I am not losing weight very fast so I am not sure it is a good thing. I can't seem to get in control. If there is something tempting to eat, it doesnt take much to make me stuff into my mouth. I have lost 3 pounds in like 10 weeks. That isnt good. =( I know that I am not obese but I am overweight and i hate how I feel. A few years ago I got my weight down to 123 and I felt awesome! Why did I let myself get back up to this point. I'm not at my biggest but still. It is frustrating to have to start basically all over.
In other news I made a coat. I never thought I could make a winter coat. I am really proud that I was able to do it. I used pattern McCalls 5525. I originally was going to use a lighter weight black on black leopard print but I couldn't find the right kind of fabric. While fabric shopping I found this purple wool blend and I loved it! I love purple anyway! So I bought it and got started. It took me about 2 weeks but I went camping in that time and I pretty severely injured my shoulder. (its been hurting about 1 month but it is wayyyy better now) so it was slow going but I'm sure I could've gotten it done faster. It was definitely the hardest project I've ever attempted. I've never made a fully lined coat. I did shed a few tears of frustration but I finally finished it. So, it was interesting but now I know and I will be able to make my next one much easier. In fact I already have all the fabric for it. It is black with random sparkles in it. I am going to make the 3/4 length sleeve jacket with it. Well here is the picture...

I actually ordered some leopard ponte that ended up being VERY stretchy. In the picture it didnt look stretchy at all. =( I was disapointed but I did make a jacket out of it. This is a lesson to me to change my serger thread. You'll understand when you see the picture. You just can't cut corners if you want it to look right. Its ok though because I still like the jacket. lol
Next I am making a dress for Claire. It will be the most fancy dress I have ever made her. I really wanted to make an elegant dress for the Holidays for Claire to wear in pictures. I have been saving this dress for 2 years until I had the skill and she was big enough for it. That day is here and I am hoping to have a one of a kind beautiful dress for her. I am making it in champagne. I LOVE the picture they have on the pattern so I am doing just that. I'll keep you posted!
In other news I made a coat. I never thought I could make a winter coat. I am really proud that I was able to do it. I used pattern McCalls 5525. I originally was going to use a lighter weight black on black leopard print but I couldn't find the right kind of fabric. While fabric shopping I found this purple wool blend and I loved it! I love purple anyway! So I bought it and got started. It took me about 2 weeks but I went camping in that time and I pretty severely injured my shoulder. (its been hurting about 1 month but it is wayyyy better now) so it was slow going but I'm sure I could've gotten it done faster. It was definitely the hardest project I've ever attempted. I've never made a fully lined coat. I did shed a few tears of frustration but I finally finished it. So, it was interesting but now I know and I will be able to make my next one much easier. In fact I already have all the fabric for it. It is black with random sparkles in it. I am going to make the 3/4 length sleeve jacket with it. Well here is the picture...

I actually ordered some leopard ponte that ended up being VERY stretchy. In the picture it didnt look stretchy at all. =( I was disapointed but I did make a jacket out of it. This is a lesson to me to change my serger thread. You'll understand when you see the picture. You just can't cut corners if you want it to look right. Its ok though because I still like the jacket. lol

Next I am making a dress for Claire. It will be the most fancy dress I have ever made her. I really wanted to make an elegant dress for the Holidays for Claire to wear in pictures. I have been saving this dress for 2 years until I had the skill and she was big enough for it. That day is here and I am hoping to have a one of a kind beautiful dress for her. I am making it in champagne. I LOVE the picture they have on the pattern so I am doing just that. I'll keep you posted!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
It's been awhile
So it has been awhile since I last posted. I'm going to try to be better.
Here's the scoop. We went to Tulsa to learn about international adoption through Dillon International. We LOVED what we saw and learned there. They are pretty small and just like a little family. It is a family I'd like to be a part of. =) So we've done a little research and I think that when we are ready to take that step that Dillon is going to be our agency. This is huge. We know are praying and thinking over our options. We have a few options that go along with our ages and such. 1. Honduras-this is a new program and they have only one person in the program at the time and have not had any adoptions there yet. It looks amazing but we feel a little intimidated by how new it is. We would never let that stop us if it is God's will though. =) 2.Korea- Korea was closed to adoptions by non-heritage families for a few years. We didn't realize it was available to us now. So it is definitely an option for us! 3. Russia- We meet the age requirements for the Russia program and we are interested but the cost is quite a bit more than the other programs so we aren't sure this is the way for us since we plan to pay cash. 4. Ethiopia- I am putting Ethiopia last because this is where we are currently feeling led to adopt. There are approximately 6 million orphans in Ethiopia. 1 in 10 children die. less than half ever go to primary school. We are feeling a strong leading. We are a few years out though so who knows what will happen in that time. We have a few options that are exciting and honestly any of these places would be just so amazing and we would be thrilled to adopt from any of them. We believe with all our hearts that God's wish for all his children is to take care of orphans and widows. We believe that all orphans deserve a family and it doesn't matter where they are born or what skin color they have. It breaks my heart that some people would discourage others from adopting overseas. Please keep any comments like that to yourselves. I believe that an child in need is a child in need. There is a big need overseas. Should they be adopted from people in their country? absolutely! but if they can't be adopted there or there isn't a big response or ability to adopt there we can give them a life in America. That is an amazing opportunity for us to share our love (and God's love) and support to other countries. All adoptions are different and until you've been through the process you may not really understand why someone may choose to adopt through the avenue they adopt. There is a great need in the world (in America and other countries) and I am SO thankful that this is my path and that I am priveleged enough to get to be an adoptive mother to one child from America's DHS system and one future child from _________ . I am blessed.
I am just really excited. I am ready to start saving. SO here is the plan:we are going to save up enough for the initial everything (everything before the referral of the child) then apply! So there probably wont be a lot on here about our adoption until we have almost saved up the amount we initially need. Soooo...that'll be awhile. hahaha. In the meantime I will show you my sewing projects and whine about various things including my weight loss journey. haha. Thanks for reading!
Here's the scoop. We went to Tulsa to learn about international adoption through Dillon International. We LOVED what we saw and learned there. They are pretty small and just like a little family. It is a family I'd like to be a part of. =) So we've done a little research and I think that when we are ready to take that step that Dillon is going to be our agency. This is huge. We know are praying and thinking over our options. We have a few options that go along with our ages and such. 1. Honduras-this is a new program and they have only one person in the program at the time and have not had any adoptions there yet. It looks amazing but we feel a little intimidated by how new it is. We would never let that stop us if it is God's will though. =) 2.Korea- Korea was closed to adoptions by non-heritage families for a few years. We didn't realize it was available to us now. So it is definitely an option for us! 3. Russia- We meet the age requirements for the Russia program and we are interested but the cost is quite a bit more than the other programs so we aren't sure this is the way for us since we plan to pay cash. 4. Ethiopia- I am putting Ethiopia last because this is where we are currently feeling led to adopt. There are approximately 6 million orphans in Ethiopia. 1 in 10 children die. less than half ever go to primary school. We are feeling a strong leading. We are a few years out though so who knows what will happen in that time. We have a few options that are exciting and honestly any of these places would be just so amazing and we would be thrilled to adopt from any of them. We believe with all our hearts that God's wish for all his children is to take care of orphans and widows. We believe that all orphans deserve a family and it doesn't matter where they are born or what skin color they have. It breaks my heart that some people would discourage others from adopting overseas. Please keep any comments like that to yourselves. I believe that an child in need is a child in need. There is a big need overseas. Should they be adopted from people in their country? absolutely! but if they can't be adopted there or there isn't a big response or ability to adopt there we can give them a life in America. That is an amazing opportunity for us to share our love (and God's love) and support to other countries. All adoptions are different and until you've been through the process you may not really understand why someone may choose to adopt through the avenue they adopt. There is a great need in the world (in America and other countries) and I am SO thankful that this is my path and that I am priveleged enough to get to be an adoptive mother to one child from America's DHS system and one future child from _________ . I am blessed.
I am just really excited. I am ready to start saving. SO here is the plan:we are going to save up enough for the initial everything (everything before the referral of the child) then apply! So there probably wont be a lot on here about our adoption until we have almost saved up the amount we initially need. Soooo...that'll be awhile. hahaha. In the meantime I will show you my sewing projects and whine about various things including my weight loss journey. haha. Thanks for reading!
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