Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where do I start?

So this week is a really boring week. I dont have much to say. I will probably save my long rants about stuff that annoys me for another time. haha. No but truthfully this week has been pretty boring so I guess I will just kind of say who I am and why I want to do a blog...
I'm Mel and I am 26. I have a cute little bald husband and a beautiful and VERY hyper little girl. My daughter is almost 4 and she is pretty awesome. We are learning our letters right now. I'm so proud of her. We adopted her 3 years ago on Oct. 1. I feel like God has been preparing me since I was a child to be an adoptive mom but I was surprised to find out that I can't have children. It took me awhile to accept this but I am so thrilled to have this life and to have been chosen to be an adoptive mom. Honestly I just can't imagine how DNA could make a lick of difference in the love you feel for a child. I'm sure this will be the subject of many future rants.
I am a Christian. Not just a "I believe in God Christian" but a "my life is forever changed Christian". That is scary to say that because I am a new creation but some of my glass half empty demeanor comes out sometimes when maybe it shouldn't. I use writing as a way to vent frustration. I am usually a very happy person. So don't take what I say the wrong way and I dont care if you have a different opinion, we can still be friends. =)
So I plan to make this an outlet for myself and just a place I can write about my day and Bible learnin'. See you later.