Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ok...I'm taking a chill pill

I need to calm down from the last blog entry. I'm not too sure why I let the things people say to me get me so upset. It is something I need to work on. I'm just sick of people thinking they can just say whatever they want and do whatever they want to me. Of course if I am rude back I feel bad. UGH! hahahaha.

So on a new note I just watched Julie and Julia. This is not my normal kind of movie. I'm not into "feel good" movies. Usually they are not interesting to me at all. In fact mostly I feel like movies like this are cheesy. BUT I liked it. It kind of makes me want to cook my way through a cookbook. However, I am not willing to pack on the pounds for french cuisine so I am going to start with Master your metabolism by Jillian Michaels. yes, I know there is someone with a blog about this so I am not going to copy. I am just simply letting you all know! =) I just read her book as a matter of fact and let me tell you it taught me things I didnt know. I found it to be very revealing. It prompted me to watch Food Inc. WOW shouldn't have done that because now I've doubled my grocery budget...hahaha. No more eating disgusting for you foods. NO MORE CORN FED BEEF! Chickens with artificial hormones! only buying Organic Milk! I think the milk and meat are double the cost but really when it is all said and done it ends up not being that much over my original budget. I think I may be over by about 50-75 dollars every 2 weeks. Thats with everything being organic and fresh. I have to say though, that it has been a blast to plan our meals and to know exactly what we are putting in our bodies. We've been going as a family to the farmers market. If you live in Norman you are lucky. We have 4 really great stores that cater to people who want to eat right. There is Dodsons (my personal fave), Native Roots (really awesome but a little more pricey), The Earth (kind of hidden place and small but has an amazing selection of organic it!), and Forward foods (people come from all over the states to have the cheese served there!). There is also a whole foods coming in by Penn Square mall so that is close. We live in a community that caters to those who want to eat the right things. So this should all be very fun. I need to lose about 20 more pounds so we'll see how this mastering of my metabolism goes...
So here is my news. I am not going to publish this blog so you'll have to just happen to read this to know but we are starting the adoption process in Oct! Now we are just going to a seminar so it isnt that exciting but it is pretty cool. We plan to save a few thousand before we start because we want to pay cash. We are thinking Honduras or Ethiopia. I plan to blog all about it once we get there. There will be a blog for ground rules soon. =) I am not going to take crap from people about this issue so if you have a strong opinion about this...keep it to yourself. I'm sure I will go into this more later but really we dont need any negativity. Also, DO NOT TELL ANY ADOPTION HORROR STORIES. I dont want to know. We realize the risk involved in this. We believe that God has a plan and that trumps any horror story. We don't need it. This is already scary enough. haha. Ok well I will write more on the subject later. Unfortunately I feel like I have to set rules because of the things people said when we adopted Claire and when we were going through infertility treatments. Some things said really hurt. I love you guys and I appreciate your support and prayers!


  1. Absolutely! You do as God leads and people that have problems with adoption or international adoption need to spend a little more time with their Bibles. I'm excited for you guys! :) :)

  2. Thanks Kim! I know you always have my back!
