Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stuff I believe or something...

1. I do not believe anyone can be a "good" enough person to earn their way to heaven. I mean, whats good? ALL people suck sometimes. Yeah some people do things that are worse than others but who decides whats good and how do they decide? What is the point of Jesus if we can be good enough to save ourselves? I just have come to the conclusion that everyone has some very un-good (double plus ungood) in them. EVERYONE. Everyone has the capability to do some very ugly things and let's face it, we all do some ugly things from time to time. I have decided that this idea is TOO HARD. Jesus paid the sacrifice and made it easy. I just dont see how it would've been possible to reach a higher level of existence without a sacrifice from our God. I LOVE the fact that God reaches out to even the worst of sinners. (Paul states that he is the worst but we all know that there is ugly inside everyone. btw..he was a murderer at one point before he found Jesus) i decided a long time ago that living in eternity with God was either easy to achieve or near impossible. I believe that God is love so it has to be easy. According to my Bible that means we just have to accept Him Romans 10:9.

2. We can't ever be God or a god. Its interesting because some people believe this about themselves and dont even realize it. Some "Christians" claim this even though our Bible is clear that there is only ONE God. I personally dont see why you would claim Christianity if you believe you can be a god. Infact in that same Bible it says that there is none like Him and that someone...was thrown from heaven because he thought and made himself out to be greater than God. Its the oldest lie in the book. Its a pretty lie. Who doesnt want to be in control? I am a control freak. I understand where this desire comes from but I am just one tiny little person in a world of billions. I am not God. I am not a god. Nobody should worship me. Who would even want to?? I didnt create anything? Wouldn't it just be better to worship the sinless creator of the universe. (science points more and more to a creator btw)I think a lot of times it can be easy to place yourself as an idol. I just hate to see wonderful people working so hard to be god. I just don't believe it is possible. There is only ONE God.

3. What you believe about the afterlife should be well thought out. Its not about a feeling you have. It should be something you research and study. If a particular religion encourages you NOT to study about what you believe that should be a red flag. I like proof. I like "signs". I have found the truth. It is so important to KNOW what you believe and know WHERE what you believe comes from. What the authors of what you believe thought and how they became believers in that faith. I just dont see how you can be anything (as in Christian, athiest, etc) without understanding what you believe. Emotions and feelings are decieving. They cause us to do all kinds of crazy stuff. They are great but they can't always be trusted. You must enter into this decision based on something more than a feeling. I am obviously a Christian but I have researched Christianity and other religions too. There is a lot of great evidence for Christianity. You should check it out.

I just had this stuff on my mind today. I hope I dont come off as arrogant. I do not want to fight and I certainly dont think I know it all because I do not! I just feel as though I've found Truth! It is exciting even after all these years. The more I study other religions/denominations within "christianity" I feel sad and scared because I see things that are not Biblical or things that are leading people away from God. It scares me. Like I said I dont even begin to think that I know everything AND I am still learning. These are just a couple things that have been on my mind. Its ok if you disagree with me. I still love ya! ;) I just hope and pray that people will research what they do and believe and WHY the do or believe it!